Taking place annually on 10th October, World Mental Health Day is an international  campaign to bring awareness to the support available for mental health issues.

This year’s World Mental Health Day was focused around the theme of “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right”, dedicated to addressing the inequalities in mental health and working towards good mental health for all. 

1 in 4

people worldwide will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime.

1 in 6

people experience a common mental health problem in any given week.

What Mental Health Means to our People


In a new mental health video, our global employees share their thoughts on how to maintain your mental health. Tips and recommendations include:

  • Take time to reflect over your mental status
  • Be kind to yourself, and don’t shy away from talking to people
  • There’s support out there – friends, family, professionals, or GP etc
  • Try and keep active – a healthy body enables a healthy mind
  • Spend time outdoors, preferably in nature
  • Surround yourself with animals – they bring you both health and happiness
  • Socialise with friends and family
  • Maintain a good work-life balance – find a de-stress activity work for you

What our People Did to Support the Day

As a company, Penspen has worked hard to raise awareness of the importance of looking after our mental health and reducing the stigma associated with talking about how we feel. We have developed several initiatives to support employee mental health and emotional wellbeing. These initiatives and resources exist both company-wide and regionally and are available to use all year round.

We encouraged our global employees to take time out of their day to practice some self-care and do something to help build their mental resilience. Take a look at what our colleagues around the world did to mark the day.


Our UK colleagues took part in team breakfasts, lunches and walks. At 150 Holborn, nutrition and wellbeing sessions was hosted together with our group colleagues Perkins&Will.


Our MEA colleagues in Abu Dhabi came together over cake and snacks, taking time out of their days to come together and discuss strategies to maintain for good mental health.


In Mexico and Colombia, our colleagues watched our new mental health video together over drinks and snacks, discussing and reflecting on mental wellbeing for all.

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