Pipeline Network Performance Using Machine Learning
Our Centre for Engineering Excellence used machine learning to evaluate pipeline network performance…
Behind the Scenes – THEIA KPI Dashboards
KPI’s are a critical component in monitoring the health of any operator’s network of pipelines.…
Webinar – Geoproceso ILI: Análisis y Evaluación de Integridad
Webinar - Geoproceso ILI: análisis y evaluación de integridad basado en ILI y su relación…
ILI Benchmarking – Ensuring an Adequate Understanding of ILI Capability Under Real-World Operating Conditions
Read more on 'ILI Benchmarking - Ensuring an Adequate Understanding of ILI Capability Under Real-…
Landslide Monitoring & Effect Modelling by Analysis of Digital Twins Built With Minimal Data Input
Read our abstract on 'Landslide Monitoring & Effect Modelling by Analysis of Digital Twins Built…
Penspen’s CEO Annual Awards 2020
Congratulations to the recipients of Penspen's 2020 CEO Annual Awards…
Our Positive Moments from 2020
Reflecting on the challenges of the last 12 months, our team have shared their positive…
Collaborating with Dar
Penspen have been a member of the Dar Group since 1989. Organisations that can demonstrate…
Webinar: Quantitative Risk Assessment for High Pressure Gas Pipelines in Europe
Watch our fourth Asset Integrity webinar of the series and learn more about the use…