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Cloud-Based Solutions for Pipeline Assets

Utilising a cloud-based solution for an Integrity Management System is a brilliant way to provide engineers with the tools to manage their assets with simplicity and efficiency. Pipeline Integrity Management Systems (PIMS) have been around for a long time and are designed to help bridge this gap. Defining the process of identifying a potential risk by ways of threat using a systematic approach provides clarity and a clear path to preventative measures.

With the growth of data generation providing more granular information on the health of a pipeline, spreadsheets are becoming an ineffective tool to be able to process that data. The logical move is to go digital. Using today’s cloud technology can bring together previously disparate functions and facilitate collaboration and efficiency.

THEIA – A Digital Solution Designed for Pipeline Engineers 

Penspen’s Pipeline Integrity Management Solution, THEIA, serves as an example of the coming age of digitalisation for integrity systems. As an engineer/manager, the health and operational safety of the asset(s) must be upheld. THEIA hosts many modules designed to assist with this task. Fundamental to the success of THEIA as a tool is the domain knowledge behind its design. THEIA benefits from 30 years of integrity experience within Penspen making it a truly agnostic, fully encompassing solution for today’s Integrity Departments:  

  • Dashboard & KPI Management – a set of Performance Indicators categorised into leading and lagging of the marked assets 
  • Data Lake – the Data Lake allows the user to collate all data on a particular asset in one area making data easy to find and easy to store 
  • Asset Mapping – a user-friendly visualisation of the key information relating to an asset in addition to being able to highlight areas for concern. 
  • eLearning & Technical Excellence – THEIA’s eLearning module and technical library offer a fully rounded environment for users of THEIA to be able to keep on top of their development and the development of their teams. 

Data Correlation & Processing to optimise Preventative Measures 

One of the biggest pain points for operators is managing all of the data generated by various engineering tools. All of which is highly important for viewing the health of a pipeline and much of which is delivered in differing formats, sometimes proprietary. Being able to correlate, process and analyse that varying data effectively is a key antidote to this pain point. Data correlation coupled with high-powered data processing allows the operator to optimise insights and activate the appropriate preventative measures to risks. 

Access to secure, robust, enterprise-quality cloud platforms has revolutionised this challenge coupled with the advantage of a fully collaborative environment, a team of engineers is able to upload, share, process and analyse data in a more detailed comprehensive way.   


A digital solution like THEIA brings together the very best of industrial technology and engineering expertise to be an environment built by engineers for engineers. As we move into the future of digitalisation, not just in pipeline integrity, but in many industries, we will continue to expand and stay ahead of the technological curve to allow engineers to save on future costs and avoid present and future integrity challenges.

Interested in exploring THEIA? Sign up for a demo below:

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