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The Future is Digital – Highlights from PTC 2023

The flagship European conference & exhibition for the international pipeline industry took place in Berlin on the 8th-11th May 2023 and saw pipeline and distribution network operators from all over the world participate in the pipeline technology conference to learn more about current developments in the industry and exchange experiences with industry peers. See a summary of the highlights from the conference below.


The Pipeline Technology Conference showcased an impressive array of innovative global pipeline technologies and provided excellent networking sessions that allowed valuable topics to be shared and discussed amongst pipeline operators, industry experts, and colleagues alike.


There were many key stakeholder discussions on the world pipeline outlook and the critical issues surrounding the transition to a low-carbon energy future, including the transportation of hydrogen, methane emission reduction, electrification, and regulatory challenges. As well as, uncovering the latest trends, opportunities, and challenges in the pursuit of decarbonisation.


Based on the information and knowledge shared during the conference, the consensus is that the pipeline industry will be able to benefit enormously through digitalisation. However, it is clear that more clarity is required around defining ‘what digital means and looks like’ for the energy industry and how key energy stakeholders can and should adopt a digital journey.  

Leading experts in the pipeline industry, like Penspen, were able to demonstrate how we are developing innovative solutions and methodologies that combine in-depth engineering expertise with digitalisation to ensure that future pipeline networks are safe and reliable and that the networks comply with future energy transportation demands. As a result, Penspen were able to provide numerous demonstrations of THEIA, the brand-new digital solution for effective pipeline integrity management, to show how digitalising pipeline data can improve decision-making, increase pipeline uptime, reduce inspection frequency, and decrease OPEX.


Operators, contractors, regulators, and high technology innovators were all connected and shared their industry insights and expertise through papers, presentations, and seminars. Penspen’s Technical Director, Aidan Charlton presented two papers during the conference. Take a look and view the full papers below.

Advances in Corrosion Growth Rate Calculation from Comparison of ILI Data

Modern inspection techniques offer an unparalleled insight into the location and dimension of corrosion metal loss features within pipelines; however, to estimate useful remnant life of a particular asset the Pipeline Engineer must make an informed estimate of Corrosion Growth Rate.

The paper details a methodology which calculates data quality and estimated error in the predicted corrosion growth rate all points along the length of a pipeline enabling the Engineer to make informed choices on appropriate corrosion growth rates for use in further calculation.

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Delivering Quality Globally – Maintaining Competency In A Digital World

Quality management within the pipeline industry is based on a system of competencies, both individual competencies and corporate competencies. In general, the average age of Pipeline Engineers is increasing which can result in loss of specific corporate competencies when transfer of individual competencies and knowledge is not properly managed.

The authors of the paper are in the process of implementing the Digital Future Strategy within Penspen. One requirement of the implementation has been consideration of future assessment processes in a digital world. The paper will present the findings and experience gained as part of implementing the Penspen Digital Future Strategy. The authors will identify pitfalls and mitigations to improve retention and improvement of corporate competency.


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