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Unlocking Hydrogen’s Potential

With the growing emphasis on decarbonisation, hydrogen and its derivatives play a pivotal role in reducing carbon emissions across industries. The urgency of the energy transition demands significant infrastructure repurposing, particularly of our pipeline networks, to reduce emissions, create jobs, and drive sustainable development.

Hydrogen demand is estimated to reach 115Mt by 2030, so operators must carefully consider end-to-end solutions that support sustainable growth. With more than 70 years of experience in energy infrastructure and a proven track record in delivering large-scale projects, Penspen supports customers with engineering, project management, and technical services at all stages of the hydrogen value chain. With CCUS central to the production of blue hydrogen, Penspen also has experience in CO2 design and repurposing, providing clients with a single consultancy for both hydrogen and CO2.

Our range of services across the hydrogen market includes:

Advisory and Consultancy

Detailed assessments, market analysis, process technology licensing evaluations, and techno-economic studies to determine the feasibility of hydrogen projects.

Engineering and Design

Pre-FEED, FEED, detailed design engineering for hydrogen production, storage, transportation, and distribution infrastructure.

Repurposing of Onshore and Offshore Pipelines, Terminal Facilities, and Associated Process Infrastructure for Green and Blue Hydrogen Production

Detailed analysis of material suitability, operating envelope, and hydrogen blend modelling.

Project Management and Owner’s Engineer Consultancy

End-to-end project management, strategy, and execution, ensuring efficient and on-time delivery.

Risk Advisory

Compliance with international safety standards and regulations, including risk assessments and safety audits, QRA, technical due diligence, and material and integrity assessment.


Hydrogen Project Highlights

Hydrogen Repurposing Assessment and Blending Facility Design for REN-Gasodutos

A first of its kind project in Europe. Our engineers provided assessment studies and gap analysis for the system and related assets for hydrogen blending of up to 10% and then 100%.

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Hydrogen Blending Feasibility Assessments for Conexus Baltic Grid

Safely optimising Latvia’s gas infrastructure for cleaner fuels. Penspen delivered feasibility assessments to safely integrate hydrogen blends into Conexus’ network.

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An image of some pipework that performs part of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline in Southern Europe. The pipe work is silver and yellow, and also features a set of steps up to the pipework facilityHydrogen Repurposing Assessment for Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG

Penspen assessed TAP’s above ground installations, block valves, and compressor stations, evaluating the feasibility of introducing hydrogen blends. Image credit: Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG

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Energy Transition Insights

Hydrogen Insights

Image of cracking in a steel pipeline
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Demystifying Hydrogen Fatigue Crack Growth

With the increasing momentum to adopt clean fuels coupled with the scrutinised investment horizons of maintaining ageing gas pipelines, there are well-established and mutually beneficial...

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Head of Engineering Hydrogen
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Energy – the final frontier?

The transition from a career developing structures for use in space to solving the challenges of implementing hydrogen infrastructure may not seem straightforward, but for Penspen’s Head of...

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What Are the Key Integrity Considerations When Repurposing Pipelines for Hydrogen?

With the European Hydrogen Backbone targeting 52,000 km of hydrogen pipelines by 2040 - 60% of which will be repurposed from existing infrastructure - ensuring the integrity of these pipelines will...

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2 USD/KG Hydrogen Production Cost Threshold Could Be a Near-Term Possibility in the GCC Region with Use of Chinese Technologies

In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, green hydrogen is quickly emerging as a key player in the transition to a sustainable energy future. In our latest technical article, Penspen experts...

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Energy Transition Training Courses

Repurposing Pipelines for Hydrogen

A course for anyone working on conceiving, planning, designing, constructing, and commissioning assets repurposed for hydrogen, held at 150 Holborn, London.

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CO2 Capture & Transmission

A comprehensive course covering everything you need to know for your carbon capture (CCUS) project, held at 150 Holborn, London.

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