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Ageing is inevitable, manage the risk.
As many of the assets in the oil and gas industry today are nearing the end of their originally intended design life, asset life extension has become an increasingly attractive option to avoid decommissioning assets, which is a costly and logistically complicated process. However, there are several challenges in relation to hazard management that requires a number of key factors to be effectively managed. It is not always about the age, it’s about assessing the risks, the condition, and the impact over time.
Asset Integrity
Operating beyond the design life
This can be done if the assets are within a safe operating range for their estimated lifetime and required operating conditions, and if no failures occur that will generate adverse consequences. Impacts on human health and safety, the environment, reputation and finances such as production losses, emergency care and recovery costs, are all important considerations.
Realising the true value of your asset
Offering tailored solutions. Penspen’s team of experts have a wealth of global experience within the full asset integrity and management life cycle. By applying a range of techniques to assess and manage the ageing situation, you can benefit from better decision making, less risk and enhanced knowledge – with cost, efficiency and safety at the very core.
Related Projects
We’ve worked on over 15,000 projects in over 100 countries around the world and tackled almost every conceivable challenge in the industry. Explore a selection of our asset life extension projects below.

Pipeline System
Our Scope of Work:
Identifying gaps in data and original design, evaluation of current and future system integrity, conclusions, recommendations and future requirements for safe asset operation and re-utilisation for extended operation beyond original design life.

Offshore Facility
Asia Pacific
Our Scope of Work:
Assessment of present condition, life extension studies for each asset, demonstration of overall integrity/safe operation, establishment of long term requalification, recertification, modification/upgrade plans for extension with associated costs and investment profile.

Pipeline System
United Kingdom
Our Scope of Work:
Pipeline lifetime extension assessment, recommendations for extended operation beyond original design life, review of pipeline system design codes and standards, risk-based inspection methodology (PIRBI) including assessment of remnant life for time-dependent hazards.

Crude Oil Pipeline
Middle East
Our Scope of Work:
Identification of a safe working pressure and corrosion rate and remaining life calculations based on defects existing within the current pipeline, with recommendations for future inspection requirements.

Pipeline System
Our Scope of Work:
Assessment of current pipeline integrity, analysis of the internal corrosion processes, identifying future growth of internal corrosion anomalies to form the basis for the remnant life assessment with recommendations for the next in-line inspection (ILI).

Pipeline Structure System
Middle East
Our Scope of Work:
Pipeline integrity management for maturing assets, assessment of current SIMS and PIMS systems, identification of improvement areas, development of risk assessment, risk-based inspection methodology and lifetime extension for structures.