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Defining the Pathway to Net Zero

The Penspen Energy Transition Consultancy is a multi-disciplinary centre of expertise focused on the design, development and repurposing of infrastructure for hydrogen. Formed to support the international energy industry on low carbon and hydrogen-related projects, our team of industry-leading energy transition experts can help define the pathway to net zero.

Our energy transition capabilities are built around four pillars and cover a range of areas such as Engineering & Project Management, Asset Integrity, Asset Management, Digital Solutions, alongside Penspen’s Centre of Engineering Excellence.

Building New Hydrogen & CO2 Infrastructure

Repurposing of Existing Infrastructure for the Energy Transition

Operating with Hydrogen & CO2

Infrastructure Maintenance Services for Hydrogen & CO2

With over 70 years of providing asset solutions across multiple energy sectors worldwide, we have the technical experience and expertise to help accelerate the energy transition.

Capabilities for a Cleaner Energy Future

In response to an increased focus on hydrogen across the energy industry and the need to overcome the global dependence on fossil fuels, we have developed four primary energy transition capabilities to accelerate the transition to a carbon neutral society. Penspen help clients:

Build new hydrogen & CO2 infrastructure

Repurpose infrastructure for the energy transition

Operate with hydrogen & CO2

Maintain infrastructure to maximise hydrogen

Our Energy Transition Experts

Our global energy consultants brings the experience, knowledge and expertise to effectively advise the industry on low carbon-related opportunities from a project financing and development, regulatory and infrastructure standpoint. We have been involved in many first-of-a-kind sustainability projects across the global energy industry – from complete engineering, design and consenting expertise to hydrogen assessment feasibility studies – our team have the know-how to effectively advise clients on low carbon-related opportunities from a project financing and development, regulatory and infrastructure standpoint.

Nigel Curson

EVP of Technical Excellence

Team: Centre of Engineering Excellence

Expertise: Nigel leads Penspen’s Centre of Engineering Excellence providing consultancy support on reuse of existing infrastructure for hydrogen and CO2, and optimisation of oil and gas assets. 

David Mason

Senior Process Consultant

Team: Centre of Engineering Excellence

Expertise: David specializes in refinery/petrochemical optimisation and advanced modelling, assisting clients with improvements to their process and supply chains to help improve overall operational efficiencies and in developing their goals towards net zero emissions.

Darren Bartlett

Energy Transition Director

Team: Engineering & Project Management

Expertise: Darren specialises in project development and investment, assisting clients with project scoping and investment decision regarding hydrogen infrastructure and net zero capabilities.

Toby Chancellor-Weale

Process Consultant/Study Manager

Team: Engineering & Project Management

Expertise: Toby specialises in onshore natural gas processing, assisting clients with detailed project designs at the pre-FEED & study level which helps clients to better understand and mitigate potential risks developed for transporting  and handling hydrogen.

Jack Rowell

Integrity Engineer

Team: Asset Integrity

Expertise: Jack specialises in integrity assessments for both onshore and offshore pipelines, assisting clients with the maintenance of the health, safety, and functionality of their assets.

Mathew Aneke

Senior Energy Transition Consultant 

Team: Centre of Engineering Excellence

Expertise: Mathew has a range of expertise in energy transition and sustainability, assisting clients with hydrogen development, CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage), process electrification, process intensification, energy storage, waste to energy, and more.

Our Energy Transition Experience

A cleaner world and brighter future can be achieved by continuing to deliver the energy needs of today while investing in and accelerating the development of the energy systems for tomorrow. Penspen has been at the forefront of the energy transition over the past 60 years, delivering more than 10,000 projects to in excess of 100 countries.

Large-scale Hydrogen Production

Gas Network

Hydrogen Safety


Power Station

Pipeline System

Onshore/Offshore Operator

Reach Net Zero